It's Okay Not to be Okay
I f irst heard th is sentence from Acha. I t was very mean ingful once . Never thought it is a t imeless adv ice. At least when you're sad, when you're not okay. Somet imes i t's okay not to be okay, it's okay to be not okay. We are human, a soul equ ipped w ith phys ical body. We are allowed to feel such range of emot ions. And when we feel it we have some opt ions to cope w ith it. Soc iety, or some people-to less general ize it, tend to shut some feel ings down. They say "Don't be sad", "Don't cry", repress ing it and ask us to pretend we are f ine, to never talk about the feel ing . To ignore and put as ide emot ions. Some other people, w iser, choose to let themselves feel the emot ions. When someth ing br ing them down, they m ight not instantly get up. But rather take somet ime to allow themselves to be aware w ith the ir feel ing. Anger, sadness, insecur ity, m ight be unl ikable to hu...