
Showing posts from June, 2011

Amateur Artist

Beberapa waktu yang lalu keinget nih, kalo dulu pernah bikin karya yg cukup...spektakuler [versi saya].hahahaha Parahnya lagi, saya jadi teringat sama blog ini yang cukup jarang diisi :( jadi, kedua pemikiran tersebut bersatu, akhirnya inilah hasilnya. Postingan ini nih. Tepatnya waktu ga di Indonesia, yaitu selama di USA, tertarik banget tuh saya buat mengasah kemampuan seni rupa dan  bermusik  (haduh, tidak berlebihan kan? tidak2, tenang saja). Soalnya keren banget tuh apresiasi terhadap seni di sana, bagaikan udah melekat di kehidupan sehari. Buktinya, pulang-pulang jadi bisa nggambar, bikin keramik, dan gitar sekaligus!! Hmm, memang, beda budaya, beda cerita. Tapi sama juga lah kaya kita yang terkenal batiknya (seni rupa) sama gamelannya (musik).  Nah, kalo belajar seni disana itu pake teori juga. Padahal masih SMA. Misalnya, kalo di kelas 2-D Art tuh belajar teori jenis-jenis warna, teknik menggambar, dsb. Kalo di kelas 3-D Art nanti belajar jenis-jenis bentuk, me...

y why y why y

I was thinking I would make a mistake if I tell And stupid me I been too kind, and agree to hide my dislike I search for what language to say I thought it's a favor to say it in this way If I could say then I will but it's hard to tell cause what's inside me y can actually know I don't need to announce it, I thought well it's just my thought, okay then If I could shout then I will to let out what stuck to say that I don't like the game I said my "No" and clarify what my "Yes":y don't listen Instead..the story goes further and more mess go to the chamber I tell y, what y been thinking is wrong d ont bet on a ive Why, why, why Why? If I could ask then I will cause I will not hurt any heart, I repeat, I will not, period. I will take care of every heart I know, please it And stupid me, I been too kind and instead, who got hurt? It's me. Yes. It's me. #Lucky y my mother always tell me not to hate, and I ob...