
...and when something good finds me

So I really want to write something tonight but the ideas I listed these past days don't fit my mood today, but yet I still really want to spill out my thought.
Serendipity to me is the nature’s power sent down by God to cheer us up.
I want to thank Him for every awesomeness he sends me.

Serendipity is when I talk to people who have the same interest with me
Serendipity is when my best friend calls me when I least expect it
Serendipity is when I find a free lunch box on the dinner table
Serendipity is when a patient thanks me because she/he got better and say she likes me
Serendipity is when I smile to patients and suddenly they smile at me too
Serendipity is when a friend tell her secret to me and since that I am a special person to her
Serendipity is when a chat from the person I love pops up on my screen
Serendipity is when family await me to be home soon
and many more

So today I met a girl whose laugh makes me jealous. Why? Because she easily laughs at small things, showing how simple it is to make her laugh and happy. Well, I can tell they were sincere laughs.

I think I can be that happy, too, all of us. Grateful is the key and..yes! It’s true that we must not compare our life to others. I find it good to be remote from hatred. It nourishes our soul to be sincere and big-hearted. I believe if we are exposed to more good things, the other good things will find us. Call me old fashion, but I just love good things.

 "Positive vibe for positive life"
-ditulis mumpung energi positifnya lagi menyala-nyala-


  1. Terkadang, sesuatu itu seperti kebetulan yang tak terduga. Tapi ketahuilah sesungguhnya semua "kebetulan" itu sudah tercatat lengkap disana, dan menjadi bagian dari rencana-Nya. Nikmatilah.. dan penuhilah harimu dengan kesyukuran Deput :)


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