Ruled Paper and Calibration

I usually prefer blank papers most. 
I can easily draw anything, write in many form of fonts, make any mistake(s) and turn them into something else. 
I just can do a lot with a piece of blank paper. 
I used to do it in kindergarten, back to the age of 5 years. 
No colors were restricted, I could color and write at the same time.
I could use crayons, color pencil, pen, anything
Eraser was introduced later, to correct, or to replace? Or to cover mistakes?
Could we just ignore eraser, and accepting that we did mistakes and write the corrections just right there?

And then elementary school began
Ruled papers were then introduced
To train the students to write neatly, to teach me the consistence of hand-writing fonts
Until now and forever in life

But what if, um no no, I meant can I just prefer blank paper, for any use
It indeed let me free to write and draw about just any ideas
Though everything in this universe needs to be balanced

Though I need to be trained regularly, to write, consistently, by that ruled paper
Well my hands are just fine to write but it seems that it needs calibration
The handwriting has been tilted a little
Tilted a little, a little too far that I regret

Yes it needs a calibration
Because I got this very kind self alarm when the line start tilted a little bigger

So yes, hey ruled paper, I made mistakes
I'm not going to erase it, I'm just going to streak it
So I remember to not doing it again
Help me calibrate hey ruler, ruled paper
My drawing will be fine too, balancing is way easier these days so no worries

And blank paper, I still prefer you
Some calibrations are just needed right now this time, plus some training
There I can go back to write and draw freely on you blank paper with my better, more balanced skill
Hoping and believing a little too far tilting will be no longer needed
Only a very little amount of tilting needed will wake my self-alarm up to get calibrated soon

 Now playing - Random Awesomeness and Favourite Things by Yuna 
